Wednesday, July 22, 2009

almost a year already!!!

I cant believe Lenah is almost a year already! (Saturday, July 25) Wow. This is just soooo amazing to me! I know it's so cliche to say, but her first bday seemed like it was going to be an eternity when she was born! But I can remember so distinctly the day she was born. Even though I miss cuddling with my baby girl, there isnt much cuddling anymore :) We have LOVED every stage and are looking forward to many many many more stages! 

One year ago tommorow we had an ultrasound that told us Lenah wasnt growing as much as she should've been and that she wasnt getting the proper nutrients and we would be induced the next day ready or not! That was scary and a VERY scary emergency c-section later, Our precious baby girl was born! I dont remember a whole lot about that day, just that I was scared beforetime and sooooo happy once I woke up, and thankful that Lenah was healthy! 

Now Lenah is cruising along furniture, crawling like crazy, eating anything (food or not :), getting into everything, is wearing 12-18 mo. clothes instead of preemie, has been on an airplane, has had 6 ear infections, 1 sinus infection, and tubes in her ears. She knows what "no" means and gives us kisses (which is the BEST!) You've come so far punkie! 
We love you Lenah!!!


Unknown said...

We cant believe Jace is going to be 1 either!!Seems like we were just cruising along on the golf carts trying to get things going!That last pic of Lenah looks EXACTLY like Alex:)--Stacey

GITTYUP said...

I agree - Alex all the way! These pics turned out Great Jen! Way to go! Now I can't wait to see the birthday party pictures - have fun!

The Bursleys and Family said...

Jen those pictures are so cute..I can still remember holding that little peanut in the Hospital, soo tiny. Time sure does fly, before you know it she will be going to school..but then you will have 2 more to deal with at home...:) Happy Birthday Lenah!!

Brandi said...

Awwww, Jen I love this post!!! So sweet! I know exactly what u mean!!! Hope you guys enjoyed her birthday!