Thursday, July 16, 2009


yay! Lenah's got teeth! Her first one broke through Sunday July 5th, and the other one just last night. And I'm pretty sure she has a couple more coming in within the next couple weeks, I can see a couple bumps here and there, but who knows. What do we know, we are first time parents :) This is all as new to Alex and  I as it is to Lenah. She has not been the happiest camper and I think I speak for both Alex and I when I say that we envy the parents who say they never knew their kids were teething! Because trust me, we know!!!!  :) But thats ok!

I also thought I'd try to get Lenah used to her life jacket since we might be on the boat a little bit this weekend with camping, but she really didnt like it too much! Oh well, hopefully she will be occupied enough in the boat that she doesnt really care.

Enjoy your weekend! I think it's supposed to be kinda chilly :( Although I shouldnt complain, it'll be nice for camping this weekend. I'm sooooo glad we have heat in our camper! 

this pic was rotated normally, sorry!

1 comment:

Rosebuds said...

Yay for Lenah!! So glad that she has finally gotten some pearly whites:-) Watch out now! She can bite when you stick your finger in there to fish something out!! Hope you all have a wonderful time this weekend! We had a good time and enjoyed our family time very much!