lol I am so one of those people that drive me CRAZY by never posting on their blog!!! :) And I have NO excuses, except that I have been a terrible picture taker lately.
So, what have we been up to? Not a whole lot. We've been doing some camping and are leaving to go again this weekend (and I promise I will take my camera!). I just love camping, even though Lenah doesnt sleep well it's still fun. Our fav place (the only place we've gone so far this year) is Ed Henning Park in Newaygo, right on the river which is nice, and nice big grassy lots, which is super nice with Lenah crawling around this year.
For the fourth (I couldnt for the life of me find my camera, it was in Alex's truck!) Lenah and I went to my parents cabin thursday til Friday evening with my whole family then to Alex's parents until sunday. I love it up there. It's so peaceful and relaxing. There is just something about up north!
Since then we have just been hanging out and chillin! Lenah is finally getting some teeth in. One so far, but I'm thinking she is working on another one as we speak since she just spiked a 101.7 degree fever within about an hr this afternoon. I'm hoping its just teeth! I am trying to get her to take a nap right now, She is soooo tired, but just doesnt feel good and cant sleep. Poor thing. I cant even imagine how her poor mouth feels right now :( She had her 1 year pictures this morning I'm so excited to see them! I'm sure they will be adorable! I can NOT believe that she will be a year in 1 1/2 wks! Time goes way to fast, people always told me that, but I never believed them. I know I know, sooooo cliche lol
Thats all for now, I wont bore you anymore.
Lenah doesnt like to be IN her exersaucer, just play under it.
Lenah and Daddy playing in their "tent" Lenah thinks that is the funniest thing
yup, the ONE pic I have of camping! lol She loved playing on the bed with mom or daddy, I think she thought it was cool that she was so high up and could see everyone from there
Love the photos!! I especially love the one of her and Alex camping. Looks like she is having a ball!! Enjoy your weekend of camping and we look forward to seeing some photos:-)
So cute! Hope u guys have fun camping!!!! It is going to be perfect campfire weather!!!
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