I've been thinking as I blog stalk that maybe just maybe I should start up our blog again. It's always fun looking back at ours. We will see how long this continues, but I'll give it a go.
Here's what we've been up to:
~ We had another baby! what!?! Another baby! Ha, Kinsley isn't even on this blog, that's how long it's been. Yup, Kinsley and her silly, strong-willed adorable self. Man I love that girl.
~ Lenah is just a tender hearted little girl who doesn't always like to listen to mommy, but she is so sweet. She's almost 3 and its insane how quickly they grow up.
~ We're building, Alex had this land since highschool, and he proposed to me on it :) sappy I Know :) but it's kinda fun to think about raising our kids and growing old together on the same land as he asked me to be his wife....
~ We just had a giant garage sale and I got rid of soooo much stuff, but it doesn't even look like it and I'm sorely disappointed. I can't believe how much crap I had in this house! It doesn't even have that much storage! But I am madly in love with the basement again since we've regained a little space down there. yay! Who cares if there's no furniture, tv, etc, there is ROOM!
~ Last night we had our small group out to the lake and went see-dooing, cooked out, swam, well floated, it was cold to swim. And had lots of fun laughing and chatting. Alex and I are so grateful for our "new" church (we've been there about a year and a half) and we feel so much more at home here, this is where we need to be. The people are so inviting, I've never seen a church with such hospitality.
~ I haven't been keeping up on the house as well lately, its getting harder with 2 kids and nice weather. eh. There's always tommorow. There isn't cobwebs hanging from the ceiling yet, well ok, maybe a couple. But its good enough. I'd rather watch the girls outside while catching some rays anyhow.
~ Tonight we are going to have our first peas from the garden tonight, I'm pretty excited. I guess I shouldn't say first, we've been munching on em, but haven't had enough for a meal until now.
~ Right now Lenah's sitting next to me driving me nuts asking if she can go get Kinsley up. She's bored, how do you tell an almost 3 year old that she wouldn't be so bored if she would've slept longer than 6:40am? hmmmm maybe I'll work on that.
alright I guess that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be back. I'll leave you with a picture of our new baby, Kinsley. If I can remember how to post em.
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