well it's been awhile, I wish I could blame it on our crazy busy last couple weeks (and I guess I probably COULD) but I hate it when people say they are too busy to get something done. I think where there is a will there is a way. {thud} I've stepped off my soapbox. No excuse for me.
Anyway. The last couple weeks have been long, exciting, and full of emotions. Alex's grandpa passed away, and although he had an amazing long, full life and touched so many people, it was still hard to let him go. I can't imagine how people do it without the peace that he is in heaven with our heavenly Father and healthy and strong. I've read a couple of the books fairly recently about people going to heaven and it just sounds absolutely thrilling! Beyond words amazing! And I couldn't help but think that is where Grandpa is right now!!! What a lucky man! He's the winner in all of this :)
Last week the house building seemed so trivial in the midst of everything. But we really have made great progress! And we are so excited! The roof should be done in the next few days and they've gotten all the windows and most doors in! This week will be kind of a slow week speaking for the visible progress of it. But they will be starting the plumbing and electrical! yay! Its coming and even though early December doesn't seem to most, too far off, it still seems like a lifetime to us :) I do have to say though that I'm pretty excited to start purging again in another month or so! Gosh, I love throwing stuff away. Its a nasty habit I have and sometimes things get thrown away when they shouldn't be, but man, it just feels so fabulous to open that trash and chuck it! And I kind of like filling our garbage can that we pay for to be taken away.
We have someone looking through our house tonight, say a prayer that they all LOVE it and want to buy it!!! We're getting anxious to have this thing sold before we move. Sometimes I wish we could look into the future and just see if all this worrying is worth it. I just hate un-knowns, but we shall see, it's not really up to us. thankfully. We have someone way better than ourselves looking out for us!